Massage Shop

Body Arithmetics

  • Cialkovska iela 4, Daugavpils
  • (+371) 27 014 030
  • (+371) 26 211 711
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 19:00

Visceral Massage

       Visceral massage is a special way to deeply manipulate the internal organs and tissues. The second name of the technique is visceral chiropractics (Viscera in Latin means “insides”).
       Massage is executed directly through the front wall of the abdomen. In technical terms, it is working with internal organs of massage, pressing, vibrating, shifting nature. Even in the time of Avicenna, doctors noticed that the treatment of one particular organ is not effective enough, because everything is in close interrelation in the body. However, many modern methods of therapy are aimed specifically at correcting an individual disorder. Visceral massage has been known since ancient times, but before that it was practiced under other names. It was used in India, China, the Philippines. This is one of the ancient Slavic techniques. In Russia, even in ancient times, the medicine men “ruled the stomach”, i.e. massaged the internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen.
       Then the people’s methods were replaced by the era of synthetic medicines, which created a temporary illusion of victory over diseases. But with the help of traditional therapy, it was not possible to cope with any disease. As a result, people again turned to almost forgotten methods of treatment. Today visceral massage of the abdomen is widely used in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment. The technique has been studied from the scientific point of view and supplemented with new effective methods.
       The founder of the Russian school of visceral therapy is Professor Ogulov. Generally speaking, the goal of manual action is the normalisation of the functional state of the organism.
       The correct position of the organs is significantly influenced by the condition of the ligaments, by means of which they are attached to the skeleton. Hypodinamics, incorrect posture, inflammatory processes and a number of other factors lead to disruption of the structure of the skeleton and deterioration of the ligamentous apparatus, which in turn provokes a displacement of the internal organs. The result of their incorrect position is the deterioration of the blood supply (due to spasm of blood vessels) and insufficient innervation (due to the weakening of the nerve fiber). As a result, nutrition and oxygen supply to the body are disrupted, and foci of lymphatic and venous stasis are formed. Exchange products are delayed in the affected area and contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora. The functioning of the diseased organ is disturbed, which increases the burden on other organs – sometimes they work at the limit of possibilities. So, violations in one part of the body provoke a failure of the whole system. The joint-ligamentous apparatus, muscles, skin also suffer.

       Methods of visceral abdominal massage are aimed at restoring the correct position of the internal organs. To detect abnormalities in the ligament apparatus, the masseur conducts a study of the abdominal area with the help of hands. Effects on spastic or damaged ligaments, he returns the body the correct position, normalizes the trajectory and the amplitude of its movement. Special massage techniques help to relax the spasms that hold the organ, as a result, after a certain time, it returns to its natural position on its own. Nowdays, classical abdominal massage according to Ogulov is the most often used. It involves the use of techniques such as pressing, tapping, shifting. It promotes the restoration of micro-circulation in the organs and the space around them, the normalisation of metabolic processes and eliminates functional disorders. The session lasts about 1 hour on average.

       However, this technique is not always effective enough. Therefore, visceral massage is often used in conjunction with other methods of exposure – for example, can or honey massage. A competent combination of techniques of two or more techniques allows you to achieve the necessary therapeutic and health effect. In any case, special attention is paid to the development of the abdominal area and correction of the internal organs. It should be noted that in the Ogulov clinic, visceral chiropractic is not used as a mono-therapy, but is the main part of the treatment process.

       Visceral massage technique is used for very many diseases and pathological conditions. These include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, constipation, colitis, digestive disorders.

       Massage is prescripted if you suffering of:

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallstones, cholangitis, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus;
Disorders of the kidneys and urinary system: pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, urinary incontinence;
Problems with the sexual organs, impotence, prostatitis;
Gynecological diseases: inflammation of the appendages, bends of the uterus, omission of the uterus, violation of the menstrual cycle;
Dermatological diseases: acne, neurodermatitis;

Types of Massage


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